Consulting Projects

The following projects will be undertaken by GAHI in association with UGC for the year 2018-2019 –


  • Sheen Health

    • Background: Sheen Health is an innovative healthcare company focused on reducing patient bad debt for physicians, as well as the complexity and opacity of the healthcare payment experience for patients.
      Some of the technology skillset we are looking for in right candidates:
      – Understanding of how search engine optimization works, social media presence, Google ad-words, etc.
      – Skilled with VUE.JS framework for building user interfaces.
      – Graphic design experience to make website more appealing, have clear navigation & logical roadmap.

  • The Feel Good Lab

    • Background: The Feel Good Lab is a health product start-up located in New Haven, CT with an objective to upgrade the products and purchasing experiences in the wellness space.  Founded in 2016, TFGL makes topical analgesics to support healthy muscles and joints.  The first product is an FDA-registered, 100% natural pain cream packed with 30 incredible ingredients that goes beyond merely masking pain.

      Current solutions to relieving pain are flawed. Most merely mask pain, doing nothing to treat the cause nor put people on a path to recovery. Oral medications require exposing your entire body to potent substances just to treat small areas and thus side effects occur. It’s because of this that 1 in 3 U.S. adults are affected by chronic pain. Layer on that consumers today want safe, natural products and the choices for true relief are limited.  That’s where we come in.  


    • Mission
      Our mission is simple; to help people prevent and recover from muscle and joint pain.  Pain sucks.  We help fix it.
    • Objective
      Sales and marketing support, specifically with a new product launch occurring during Holiday Season 2018.  Excellent research and communication skills required.